Your local Oven Fairy team are aware that cleaning the oven can be a long, grubby and all consuming task. One which will always be last on the to do list when juggling family, career and for those who are less mobile than they once were.
We take pride in our work and even though we may not be your stereotypical fairies, opting to leave our wand and tutus at home, we will still work our magic, after all not all fairies have wings!
The name itself was inspired by a customer during the company’s infancy, who genuinely believed magic had taken place due to the transformation. So to anyone contemplating giving us a try we promise to work our hardest and sprinkle a little magic on your trusty old Agas, state of the art Ranges, indispensable integrations and BBQs that have had a long, hot summer!
To our existing customers, who return and continuously recommend our company we are genuinely flattered when a call comes through from a friend, colleague or relative that you have given our details to. We will continue to look after your ovens to the best of our ability, keeping them in the manner they have become accustomed.